Kids Jr. Black Belt–3rd Brown Card

Adult 1st Black Belt Card - American Kenpo Karate
Adult 1st Black Belt Fundamental Card - American Kenpo Karate

Jr. Black Belt–3rd Brown Technique Manual

GLANCING SPEAR (Right Front Direct Left Wrist Grab)

  1. With feet together and opponent’s right hand grabbing your left wrist, step back with your right foot (into a left neutral bow) to 6 o’clock as your right hand goes under your own left wrist an grabs (palm out) opponent’s right wrist.
  2. Immediately shift into a left reverse bow as your right hand, which is still maintaining the grab, pulls your opponent down and toward you toward the direction of 6 o’clock.
  3. Shift to a left neutral bow as your left elbow strikes to opponent’s right ribcage (the palm of your left arm should be facing the ground). Have your right hand continue to grab so as to control your opponent, pulling opponent’s arm past you.
  4. Have your right hand release the grasp and have the heel of palm of the same hand strike the opponent’s forearm and in a glancing, dipping motion strike to opponent’s eyes with the finger tips of the same hand.
  5. Immediately sweep opponent’s right foot with your left foot while executing a left front crossover while moving toward 5 o’clock.
  6. Pivot out of twist stance (clockwise) and right stiff-leg sweep to back of opponent’s legs to drop opponent, ending up in a wide left front twist stance toward 12 o’clock.
  7. Without losing momentum have right sweeping leg immediately turn into a right  downward roundhouse kick to opponent’s head toward  12 o’clock.
  8. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 6 o’clock.

THRUST INTO DARKNESS  (Right Punch Directly From The Rear)

  1. With feet together, step forward with your right foot toward 2 o’clock into a left reverse close cat stance (as opponent attacks from the rear with a right punch) to give you distance, and immediately deliver a left back kick toward 7 o’clock to opponent’s stomach thus causing him to bend forward.
  2. With your left foot still in the air, plant your left foot to 4 o’clock (assuming both you and opponent are presently facing 12 o’clock) into a wide left rear twist stance and immediately pivot counter clockwise (ending in a left neutral bow facing opponent at 6 o’clock) and without hesitation deliver a right front snap ball kick  toward 7 o’clock to opponent’s jaw or sternum (opponent should be bending forward at this point toward 12 o’clock).
  3. Plant your right foot forward into a right neutral bow toward 7 o’clock and assuming that the kick forced your opponent back, do a left front crossover toward 7 o’clock and a right side kick to inside of opponent’s left knee.
  4. Plant your right foot  forward (right forward bow) toward 7 o’clock and simultaneously deliver a right back knuckle thrust to opponent’s right temple and a left vertical thrust punch to opponent’s right ribs.
  5. Right front crossover and cover toward 2 o’clock.
  6. Left rear crossover  and return with a right back kick to opponent’s head toward 7 o’clock.
  7. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 2 o’clock.

CIRCLING FANS (Front Straight Left And Right Punch)

  1. With feet together, step back into a right neutral bow to 6 o’clock and execute a  double circular parry (with both  done slightly diagonally and inwardly) commencing with your right hand first to the top and side of opponent’s left punch and then your left hand to the top and side of opponent’s right punch while sliding your right foot back into a right 45o cat stance and cocking your right hand to the  center of your chest while keeping your left hand high in guard position.
  2. Deliver a right front snap kick to opponent’s groin toward 12 o’clock.
  3. As you plant your right foot toward (into a right neutral bow) deliver a right thrusting vertical  back knuckle  to opponent’s forehead (right between  the eyes).
  4. Left front (twist stance) crossover as your right horizontal downward forearm checks opponent’s arms and as you deliver a left vertical punch to opponent’s sternum.
  5. From a left front twist stance, deliver a right upward knee kick to opponent’s groin (right arm still checking, left fist still in punching position).
  6. As your right foot plants to 11 o’clock (buckling opponent’s right knee from the inside) deliver a right upward lifting forearm punch under opponent’s chin (left hand  should now be checking opponent’s arm).
  7. Right front crossover and cover out toward 5 o’clock.
  8. Left rear crossover and right back kick to any available opening.
  9. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 5 o’clock.

ROTATING DESTRUCTION (Right Front Snap Kick And Left Spinning Back Kick Combination)

  1. While in a right neutral bow (with your left hand cocked high near your sternum and your right hand hanging low near your right leg) and as your opponent delivers a right front snap kick, execute a right inside downward block palm down (shuffling back if you have to) and continue to loop the right arm downward and outward into an extended outward block thus forcing your opponent clockwise and over so that his back faces toward you.
  2. As opponent does a left spinning back kick (toward 6 o’clock) strike down to opponent’s right leg with a right chopping downward diagonal block as your right  foot drops back into a right rear twist stance.
  3. Pivot clockwise and deliver a left roundhouse kick to opponent’s groin.
  4. Plant your left foot (adjusting it accordingly) and deliver  a right spinning hooking heel kick to opponent’s solar plexus or head.
  5. Right front crossover and cover out toward 6 o’clock without first planting the right foot.
  6. Return with a right hopping  side  kick  to  left  knee  of  opponent  or  any available opening (kicking toward 12 o’clock).
  7. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 6 o’clock.

FALCONS OF FORCE (Left And Right Should Grab By Two Men)

  1. With feet together and flanked by two men grabbing both of your shoulders, have your right foot step to 2 o’clock into a horse stance as you deliver a right outward handsword to opponent number one’s throat (opponent number one is  to  your  right).  Have your  left  hand  in  guard  position  near your  right shoulder.
  2. Have your right foot pivot counter clockwise to 10 o’clock as you check his right hand at your left shoulder. Left rear crossover to 12:00 as you execute a left outward handsword to opponent’s throat. Your right hand continues to check and guard.
  3. Shift your left foot counter clockwise to 11 o’clock as you simultaneously deliver a right raking inward strike with intent to hurt or defend against opponent’s probable  retaliation with punches.
  4. Right front snap kick to opponent number one’s groin.
  5. Plant your right foot forward (into a right neutral bow) toward 4 o’clock, left rear crossover and right back heel kick to opponent number two’s solar plexus toward 6 o’clock.
  6. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 12 o’clock, ending in a left neutral bow facing 6 o’clock.
  7. Deliver a right 360° spinning stiff-leg sweep clockwise across the path of both opponents and stopping the right leg between 10 and 11 o’clock.
  8. Left front crossover and cover out twice toward 11 o’clock.

THE BEAR AND THE RAM  (Front Right Step Through Punch  And Rear Bear Hug [Arms Free] By Two Men)

  1. With feet together facing 12 o’clock and rear opponent applying rear bear hug (arms  free)  and  front  opponent   executing  a  right  step  through  punch, simultaneously deliver a right inward block to inside of front opponent’s right punch  and a right front thrust kick to groin of same opponent.
  2. Plant your right foot to 3 o’clock (into a horse stance). Simultaneously strike down with both of your elbows against rear opponent’s forearms (after having raised  them).
  3. Have your left foot cat around and behind of rear opponent’s left leg and into a reverse bow (left reverse bow).  Plant the left foot to 7 o’clock.
  4. Pivot to your left and deliver a left upward outward diagonal elbow strike to opponent’s chin (while in a left neutral bow) and a right downward diagonal hammerfist to opponent’s groin (while pivoting into a left forward bow).
  5. Left rear (twist stance) crossover to 11 o’clock and deliver a right back heel kick to sternum of front opponent.
  6. Without planting your right foot (after retrieving it from the kick position) immediately pivot toward 5 o’clock an deliver a right front snap kick to any opening on rear opponent (kicking at and near the ground).
  7. Right front crossover and cover out toward 3 o’clock.
  8. Left front snap kick to any available opening of rear opponent.
  9. Left front crossover and deliver a right knife-edge kick to front opponent, kicking to his left knee or any available opening in the direction of 11 o’clock.
  10. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 3 o’clock.

RAINING LANCE (Front Overhead Step Through Knife Attack)

  1. While in a left neutral bow or standing naturally have your left foot move forward and to your left (between ten and eleven o’clock) you are still in a left  neutral bow as your left hand (while open) inward parries outside of opponent’s wrist (the hand with the knife).
  2. While the overhead attack is still in motion, pivot to your right into a horse as your right hand assists your left in following the force of your opponent’s knife hand. While still following the knife hand and without losing momentum, pivot to your left (into a left neutral bow) and jam the knife into your opponent’s right thigh.
  3. Release your right hand check and deliver a right inward horizontal elbow strike to opponent’s sternum while shuffling forward (push drag).
  4. With your left hand still pressing the knife against the thigh, have your left outward reverse tiger’s mouth (palm up) choke your opponent at his adam’s apple as your right hand switches places (palm down) to continue pressing the knife against your opponent’s right thigh.
  5. Immediately switch both of your hands so that your left forearm now presses your opponent’s right arm as the hand of the same left arm grabs and squeezes your opponent’s testicles. Simultaneously have your right hand (circle counter clockwise – palm down) hook and pinch opponent’s eyes (crab hand pinch).
  6. Step to 10 o’clock with your left foot as your right hand hooks inside of your left arm and down to check opponent’s right arm as your left hand slides up your opponent’s body (after releasing opponent’s testicles) striking to opponent’s throat with your left inner wrist.
  7. Immediately switch your left inner wrist to a left hooking (shape of the crane) wrist as your right foot steps through to 11 o’clock dropping into a right wide kneel thus forcing your opponent over your right leg to cause a back break.
  8. Almost simultaneous with the above move circle your right arm in a counter clockwise manner and deliver a right downward diagonal hammerfist across opponent’s throat  (knife would be released at this point.)
  9. Deliver a left thrusting heel palm to opponent’s jaw (fingers pointed down) striking and forcing opponent off of your right knee (right hand checking opponent’s right shoulder).
  10. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 6 o’clock.

DESPERATE FALCONS  (Front Two-Hand Grab To Wrists)

  1. With feet together and opponent grabbing your wrists from the front (opponent’s left hand grabbing your right wrist and right grabbing your left wrist) move your left foot forward and to your left between 11 and 12 o’clock (into a left neutral bow) as both arms circle clockwise so as to loop over both arms of your opponent (forcing opponent’s arms down).
  2. Immediately follow-up with a left forward back knuckle to opponent’s face simultaneous with a right forward vertical fist to opponent’s solar plexus.
  3. Without hesitation step forward into a right 45° cat stance toward 12 o’clock and deliver a right vertical or diagonal back knuckle strike to opponent’s right temple  as your left hand checks down and presses against  opponent’s right arm.
  4. Step forward (hugging inside of your opponent’s right leg) with your right foot to 12 or 1 o’clock  into a right  neutral  bow  and  deliver  a right  horizontal inward elbow strike to opponent’s face (left hand is still pressing and checking opponent’s right arm down).
  5. Immediately shift into a right reverse bow (in place) while delivering a right downward diagonal hammerfist to  opponent’s  right  kidney  (left  hand  is checking slightly higher).
  6. Execute a left rear crossover  toward 2 o’clock and immediately plant your right leg into a right reverse bow in order to buckle inside of opponent’s left leg.
  7. Right knee kick to inside of opponent’s right thigh toward 8 o’clock.
  8. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 8 o’clock.

LEAP OF DEATH (Front Straight Right Punch)

  1. With feet together, step back with your right foot (into a left neutral bow) to 6 o’clock as your right hand delivers a right extended outward chop to outside of opponent’s right wrist (punching hand of opponent) and immediately turns into a right hooking crane hand (grabbing or hooking opponent’s right wrist). Simultaneously strike to outside of opponent’s right elbow with a left inward horizontal  heel palm strike (to break opponent’s elbow).
  2. Shift (in place) into a left reverse bow continuing your right hand grab (or hook) as well as pressure on opponent’s right elbow with your left heel palm and jerk  opponent to your right toward 6 o’clock.
  3. Immediately shift into a left forward or neutral bow (depending upon how close your opponent is to you) as your left back knuckle strikes horizontally to  opponent’s right ribcage with your right  hand still maintaining  grab  (or hook).
  4. Again shift (in place) into a left reverse bow re-striking opponent’s left elbow with your left heel palm (force is now in a downward motion) while your right hand jerks opponent’s arm down toward the ground so as to force your opponent to the ground (face down).
  5. Leap into the air with both feet cocked under you and with both of your hands cocked to your chest (palm up in begging fashion).
  6. Come down on opponent so that both heels of your feet strike to both of opponent’s kidneys (right heel of foot to opponent’s right kidney, left heel of foot to opponent’s left kidney) and slide off to sides of kidneys. Simultaneously have the heels of your palms strike to back of opponent’s mastoids (right heel of palm to right mastoid and left heel of palm to left mastoid) to force opponent’s face to hit and bounce  on the ground.
  7. From the reaction of your opponent’s face hitting the ground and bouncing back up, slip both of your hands along opponent’s face (after heel of palm strikes to opponent’s mastoids) and under opponent’s chin.
  8. Immediately switch (in place) from a horse stance to a concave stance and pull up and toward you with both of your hands and arms (pulling up on opponent’s chin) as your knees brace down and against opponent’s back. Pull and stretch your opponent’s neck up and back to its very limit.
  9. Without loss of motion, twist your opponent’s head and neck clockwise (pulling up and against your opponent’s chin, with our right hand and pushing down  on the back of your opponent’s head with your left hand) to snap opponent’s neck.
  10. With your right hand cocked to your right ear (palm out) and your left hand pushing your opponent’s head down, immediately follow-up with a right inside downward (palm up) chop to bridge of opponent’s nose.
  11. Switch (in place) into a right close kneel and drop your left knee to opponent’s upper spine (using the opponent’s body as a springboard) with a left hand push to back of opponent’s head to again force opponent’s face to the ground (drop and spring into next move) as your right hand hooks and rips opponent’s left eye (finger hook).
  12. After  bouncing  on opponent’s back  spring up  and leap, turning your body counter clockwise, in mid-air and land with your left foot to the right of your opponent’s body as a right downward roundhouse kick is delivered to your opponent’s head (bend your  left knee  deeply upon  right  roundhouse  kick delivery).
  13. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 9 o’clock.

PROTECTING FANS (Front Left And Right Punch With Opponent’s Left Leg Forward –The Same Sequence May Be Used For A Right And Left Punch)

  1. While standing naturally move your left foot fmward and to your left to 10 o’clock (into a left neutral bow) as you deliver a left inward horizontal parry inside of opponent’s left punch.
  2. As opponent delivers a right punch, pivot (in place) into a left forward bow toward 10 o’clock as you deliver a right extended outward chopping block toward 2 o’clock (hand open) to outside of opponent’s right punch (with your left hand cocking to your left hip).
  3. Immediately (pivot your body to the right at the waist only) deliver a left horizontal finger poke to opponent’s eyes with a right ball kick to opponent’s groin toward 2 o’clock as your right hand grabs and pulls down on opponent’s right wrist (pull opponent’s arm down and past your right hip).
  4. Plant your right foot (which just kicked) to inside of opponent’s right thigh as your left hand checks opponent’s right arm downward and as your right inward horizontal elbow strikes to opponent’s sternum or left ribcage or head depending upon circumstances.
  5. With your left hand still checking, execute a right front scoop kick to opponent’s groin followed by a right two-finger hook to opponent’s eyes (hooking from your right to left) as you move back in addition to thrusting a left heel jab to opponent’s sternum in the process.
  6. Left front crossover (after landing in a left neutral bow) and cover out twice toward 5 o’clock.

DECEPTIVE  PANTHER  (Combination Front  Right Snap Kick [Low] And Right Roundhouse  [High])

  1. While in a right neutral bow shift your left foot to 4 o’clock (angle change) and as your opponent’s kick is delivered have your guarding hands change so that you position them into a left downward and a right inward to block both kicks (universal block), the low kick with your left arm and the high kick with your right arm.
  2. As opponent is in process of covering out deliver a right hopping side kick to opponent’s left inner knee to buckle him.
  3. Plant your right foot forward into a right neutral bow (facing opponent) and immediately pivot clockwise (in place) into a right front rotating twist stance as you deliver a right downward back knuckle strike to opponent’s right mastoid followed by a left downward hammerfist to opponent’s right kidney.
  4. Have your left hand check opponent’s right elbow while still in a right front rotating twist stance. Immediately pivot counter clockwise (untwisting out of the  stance) and deliver a right lifting stiff-arm back  knuckle  strike  to opponent’s face, making facial contact when your transition move takes you to the point of a close right neutral bow stance.
  5. Continue to twist counter clockwise. When you are almost turned completely around into a right reverse cat stance deliver a right back thrust kick to any available opening. Make sure the kick is delivered while taking advantage of the torquing movement  and the momentum  associated with it.
  6. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 5 o’clock (cover out from your kicking position).

COURTING THE TIGER (Left And Right Arm Grab By Two Men)

  1. With feet together an opponents executing grabs on both of your arms, step back and to your left to 8 o’clock with your right foot (right rear twist stance) in the hope of trying to stomp foot of left opponent as your right hand grabs your opponent’s right arm (opponent to your right) and pulls him toward you, simultaneously push the opponent who is to your left away from you with your left arm (anchoring your left elbow down and into left opponent’s right ribs).
  2. Deliver a right side kick toward 3 o’clock to outside of the left knee of opponent to your right.
  3. Immediately plant your right foot in front and to the left of your left foot (right front twist stance) and have your left knee strike up and back of right knee of left opponent (this is done to lift his right leg off of the ground and place all of opponent’s weight onto his left leg).
  4. While your left leg is still in the air, kick left inner knee of opponent to your left with your left foot sword (knife-edge of the foot).
  5. Plant your left foot back toward 3 o’clock into a left reverse twist stance as you execute a right back knuckle strike to head or any opening on opponent to  your right whether he be standing, kneeling, or otherwise.
  6. Without hesitation deliver a chicken kick (double kick with left foot then right foot) to opponent on your left (left foot kicking to opponent’s ribs and right foot to  opponent’s face or solar plexus). H opponent’s back is toward you, kick to the kidney or ribs.
  7. From right kicking position plant your right foot toward 9 o’clock into a right neutral bow as you strike to left opponent’s temple or face with an upward right stiff anh lifting back knuckle strike. If opponent’s back is toward you, back knuckle to the base of the neck.
  8. Immediately deliver a right snapping stiff-leg kick to underneath of opponent’s jaw who is to your right.
  9. Right front crossover and cover out twice, remaining equal distance from both opponents as you cover out toward 6 o’clock.

GATHERING OF THE SNAKES (Front Left Punch And Rear Right Punch By Two Men)

  1. Standing in a right neutral bow as first opponent (who is at 12 o’clock) delivers a left punch from the front, step forward and to your right (with your right foot) to 1 o’clock while executing a right inward – left outward block combination outside of opponent’s left punch. Without loss of (circular) motion transform your right inward block into a right back knuckle strike to left ribs of first opponent  (front opponent).
  2. Slide your left foot counter clockwise to 2 o’clock checking opponent’s arm with your left as it simultaneously claws and deliver a right overhead chop to back of opponent’s neck.
  3. Immediately cock your right foot to inside of your left knee (right one legged stance) and deliver a right side kick to back of first opponent’s left knee. Have both of your hands and arms guarding wherever needed.
  4. With opponent beginning to buckle, plant your right foot into a right neutral bow toward 6 o’clock and execute a two-hand push to first opponent’s back and shove first opponent into second opponent toward 6 o’clock.
  5. With second opponent (rear opponent) occupied, shift your right foot to your left into a right front twist stance and deliver a left roundhouse kick to head of second opponent as your left hand cocks horizontally to your right hip.
  6. Plant your left foot forward (into a left neutral bow toward 6 o’clock) while delivering a left horizontal back knuckle strike to head of second opponent.
  7. Right front crossover (into a right front twist stance) guarding and pushing down on second opponent’s right arm with your left hand toward 6 o’clock while delivering a right back knuckle strike to head of first opponent toward 12 o’clock. Immediately pivot counter clockwise with a looping stiff-arm back knuckle strike to head of second opponent still at 6 o’clock.
  8. Follow-up with a left spinning back kick to solar plexus of a second opponent at 6 o’clock.
  9. Shoot your left foot to 12 o’clock (toward first opponent) as you deliver a low left snapping ball kick under jaw of first opponent.
  10. Left front crossover and cover out twice, positioning yourself so that you end up midway between opponents (covering out toward 3 o’clock).

GLANCING LANCE (Front Knife Thrust – With Your Arms Down)

  1. With feet together and  arms hanging  naturally  to your  side,  step back  to 6 o’clock with your right foot into a left neutral bow as your right hand does an extended outward chop outside of opponent’s right wrist. Simultaneously have the heel of your left palm strike in and against the outside of opponent’s left elbow. While in a left neutral bow stance, your right foot should now be positioned to kick.
  2. Deliver a right front snap kick to opponent’s groin toward 2 o’clock.
  3. While planting your right foot forward to 1o’clock (have your right leg buckle and check opponent’s right leg) execute a right two-finger inward hook to opponent’s  eyes.
  4. Immediately hop  onto your left foot to 10 o’clock into a right one legged stance as your right hand circles counter clockwise, hooks and parries in an overhead fashion to again strike outside of opponent’s right wrist. Just as you did earlier, simultaneously have the heel of your left palm strike in and against the outside of opponent’s right shoulder.  While now in a right one legged stance, your right foot should be cocked to your left knee in preparation for a kick toward 2 o’clock.
  5. Deliver a right knife-edge kick to outside portion of opponent’s right knee to cause opponent’s right leg to buckle in toward himself.
  6. Plant your foot in back of opponent’s right leg as you check his right arm with your left hand and again execute a right inward heel palm claw to opponent’s eyes (making sure your elbow is anchored on opponent’s shoulder).
  7. Have your right hand continue circling counter clockwise and execute a right downward outward elbow strike to opponent’s right kidney. Before the elbow strikes, have your left hand circle clockwise and strike with a left inward hooking middle knuckle fist to opponent’s right mastoid, making contact a fraction of a second after the elbow makes contact.
  8. Have your right elbow continue the counter clockwise circle and execute a right inward horizontal elbow smash to opponent’s right ribs or head, depending upon what is open. Left hand is guarding under the right and checking in the process.
  9. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 9 o’clock.

DOMINATING CIRCLES (Front Offset Right Shoulder Grab By Opponent’s Right Hand)

  1. With feet together, step with your left leg to 10:00 and have your right foot circle clockwise, back, and down on opponent’s right leg (into a horse stance) in order to buckle opponent’s right leg.  Simultaneously have your right arm travel  in  the  same manner (going clockwise) over, around, and down to opponent’s right arm (striking opponent’s right arm with an outward overhead elbow   strike).  Left   hand is  checking  in  the  meantime  by  controlling opponent’s right shoulder.
  2. Step back (to 6 o’clock) with your right foot (into a left forward bow) while simultaneously delivering a right heel thrust to opponent’s jaw (lock your right arm out).  Your left hand should still be checking.
  3. Step forward to 12 o’clock with your right foot (into a right neutral or forward bow) as you deliver a left thrusting chop to opponent’s throat and jaw while your right hand travels down and outside of opponent’s right arm to check and control opponent’s right arm for moves that are to be done later.
  4. Step to 11 o’clock with your left foot as your left hand changes from a left thrusting chop to a left shape of the crane (hooking around left side of opponent’s neck) pushing and hooking opponent so that his body starts to turn clockwise (from your point of view) and face down along your left thigh. Simultaneously have your right hand also assist in turning your opponent by traveling down the opponent’s right arm and forcing opponent’s body to turn over.
  5. Continue the action of both hands as your right foot slides along the ground in a counter clockwise manner to 9 o’clock (opponent’s body at this point is face down). Have your right hand, without loss of motion, travel to outside of opponent’s right elbow and down to his right wrist.
  6. As opponent drops, pull and yank his right arm toward you (utilizing your left arm to assist you) to dislocate opponent’s right shoulder. When jerking on opponent’s arm shuffle back with a push drag.
  7. Drop into a right close kneel, having your right knee smashing  and sandwiching opponent’s face and head to the ground.
  8. Right front crossover and cover out twice.

DESTRUCTIVE FANS (Flank Right Punch With Opponent’s Right Leg Forward)

  1. With feet together and facing 12 o’clock and opponent attacking from 9 o’clock with a right punch, move your left foot back and to the left to 8 o’clock (into a modified horse) as your right hand circles clockwise and parries your opponent’s right arm from the outside at the wrist. Your left hand also travels clockwise and parries your opponent’s right punch on the outside at the elbow. Your right hand should complete a circle and transform into a right hammerfist strike (clenched fist palm up) to opponent’s solar plexus or ribs (with your left hand in check – bracing angle).
  2. Immediately sweep opponent’s left leg with your left foot as it forms a left front twist stance. At this point have your left hand grab and pull in the process.
  3. Pivot (clockwise) out of the twist stance and execute a right back knuckle strike to opponent’s right kidney and a right stiff-leg sweep all the way around to 3 o’clock to back of opponent’s right leg to cause his leg to split further.
  4. Right punch to opponent’s head while shuffling (push drag) into a left close kneel or forward bow, depending on how he falls, with a left hand push down check to opponent’s upper right arm.(optional)
  5. With opponent possibly sitting at this stage, deliver a right stomp thrust kick under opponent’s chin or to best available opening.
  6. From kicking position, right front crossover  and  cover  out  twice  toward 6 o’clock.

UNFURLING CRANE (Front Left And Right Punch With Opponent’s Right Leg Forward)

  1. While standing naturally step back with your left foot into a right neutral bow (shift your hands into guarding position), deliver a right vertical outward block to inside of opponent’s left punch.
  2. Immediately shuffle in and execute a right inward and left outward combination on the inside  of opponent’s right punch, continuing the right inward and transforming it into a right inverted downward hammerfist strike to opponent’s groin (left hand checks).
  3. Follow-up with a left inward overhead claw and a right rolling vertical back knuckle thrust to opponent’s face.
  4. Again strike down to opponent’s groin or bladder, with a right rolling inverted downward hammerfist (left hand checks.)
  5. While close (shuffle in if necessary) to your opponent, strike up and into his jaw with your right elbow (obscure wing fashion) continuing the move and transforming it into an inverted upward five finger claw to opponent’s face.
  6. In the same move deliver a left heel of palm strike to opponent’s solar plexus and a right front scoop kick to opponent’s groin. At this point your right hand is raised and cocked above your head and you should be balancing on your left leg in a one legged stance with your right foot cocked.
  7. Simultaneously deliver a right inward hammering chop to opponent’s neck and a right side kick to inside of opponent’s right knee.
  8. Right from the kick go into a right front crossover and cover out twice toward 6 o’clock.

GRASPING EAGLES (Right Front Lapel Grab And Rear Arm Grab By Two Men)

  1. With feet together and grabs being applied by both opponents, simultaneously execute a left inward strike to outside of first opponent’s (front opponent who is attacking from 12 o’clock) right elbow while delivering a right front snap kick to groin of first opponent and a right back hammerfist strike to groin of second opponent who is at 6 o’clock.
  2. Plant your right foot forward to 11 o’clock (buckling first opponent’s right knee if it is in line of the move) and deliver a right heel of palm thrust to chin of first opponent (front opponent is at 12 o’clock) and a left back underhand heel strike to groin· of second opponent (rear opponent at 6 o’clock). Drop into a right close kneel with these strikes.
  3. With a right heel thrust driving first opponent (front opponent) back, deliver a left front snap kick to groin of front opponent.
  4. From left kick position plant your left foot back  to  gauge  distance  and immediately deliver a right back heel thrust kick to stomach of rear opponent.
  5. Right front crossover and cover out twice to 9 o’clock, positioning yourself so that you end up midway between opponents.

PARTING  OF THE SNAKES  (Front Right Punch  And Rear Attempt By Two Men)

  1. While in a left neutral bow, step slightly forward with your left foot as you duck under first opponent’s (front opponent) right punch and execute a left upward block to face of first opponent (first opponent is at twelve o’clock). Simultaneously strike with a right reverse handsword to first opponent’s groin followed by your right knee to groin of first opponent.
  2. While your right knee is still buried in groin of first opponent, deliver a right back kick to second opponent’s (rear opponent) solar plexus forcing him back. Simultaneously deliver a right vertical punch to front opponent’s chin.
  3. Plant your right foot back to 6 o’clock and go into a left rear crossover as you simultaneously deliver a right horizontal back knuckle to face of second opponent.
  4. From your twist stance execute a left ball kick to solar plexus of first opponent and chicken kick with right foot to jaw of first opponent followed by a right heel of palm to face of first opponent.
  5. Follow-up with a double rear chicken kick (starting with your right foot first) to any opening on second opponent.
  6. Left front crossover and cover out twice in the direction of 3 o’clock.  Try to end up equal distance from both opponents.

THRUSTING LANCE  (Front Knife Thrust)

  1. While in a right neutral bow deliver a right inward downward strike and grab (with the same right hand) to inner right wrist of opponent as your left foot shifts to 4 o’clock.
  2. Immediately shuffle (push drag) forward (with right hand still maintaining grab) and strike to opponent’s groin with a left underhand heel strike and grab.
  3. Shift your right foot back to 6 o’clock as your left hand assists your right hand in twisting your opponent’s wrist clockwise, forcing opponent to bend forward and breaking opponent’s right wrist, thus having opponent drop his knife.
  4. Left front snap kick to opponent’s left ribs and a right chicken kick to opponent’s sternum.
  5. As you plant your right foot forward into a right neutral bow check opponent’s right arm with your left hand and deliver a right underhand stiff-arm lifting back knuckle strike (vertically) driving upward underneath opponent’s chin.
  6. Switch your right hand (which is now above opponent’s head) clockwise (palm up) and strike down (vertically) to bridge of opponent’s nose in a raking manner utilizing the back knuckle of your right hand.
  7. Circle your right arm counter clockwise (starting a figure 8 patter which should be visualized laying on its side) and strike opponent’s left jaw hinge with your right hammerfist.
  8. Continue the figure 8 pattern and deliver a right back knuckle to opponent’s right jaw hinge.
  9. With your opponent bending over have your right hand hook over (shape of the crane) and under opponent’s right armpit, hooking opponent’s right arm out and  away from you, as you step through with the left foot into a left neutral bow  toward 12 o’clock, executing  a left vertical elbow strike to underside of opponent’s right armpit.
  10. As you drag or right rear crossover to 10 o’clock step out to 10 o’clock into a left  reverse bow, buckling opponent’s right leg out as you execute a left downward check to opponent’s right arm while simultaneously striking with a right inward downward hammerfist (universal block) to opponent’s mastoid or heart depending on position  of opponent.
  11. Left front crossover and cover out twice toward 3 o’clock.

BLINDING SACRIFICE (Front Two-Hand Choke Or Grab Attempt)

  1. With feet together and opponent attempting to choke or grab you from the front (12 o’clock) step forward with your right foot to 12 o’clock into a right neutral bow as both of your arms thrust forward and to inside of opponent’s arms, first to attempt twin pokes to opponent’s  eyes and continuing as two outward open hand chops to inside of opponent’s forearms (your right hand) to your opponent’s left forearm and your left hand to your opponent’s right forearm acting as a clearing motion) and without loss of motion, circle down to opponent’s groin, grabbing the testicles with both of your hands (at this point have your body up close to your opponent’s body, acting as a body jam).
  2. From the testicles, execute two outward circular inward hooking back knuckle rakes  to  both  kidneys  of  opponent  (your  right  back  knuckle  striking  to opponent’s left kidney and your left back knuckle striking to opponent’s right kidney).   This move is executed and timed as you shuffle back (push drag) into a right 45 o  cat stance while having both of your arms travel horizontally and into two vertical  outward blocks (left outward and right outward) as a checking measure in case opponent’s arms come back towards you.
  3. Immediately shuffle in as the fingers of both of your hands flick,or poke, to opponent’s eyes followed by twin thumb scoops to opponent’s eyes.
  4. From eyes, have both of your hands slap down on opponent’s shoulders and travel down arms of opponent, catching and grabbing opponent’s arms at the wrists to pull opponent down.
  5. Immediately  re-circle  the  arms  up,  over,  and  in  so  that  you  strike your opponent’s  temples  (or mastoid) with both  of your inverted back knuckles (with  your  right  back  knuckle  striking  to  opponent’s  right  temple   [or mastoid]).
  6. With both of your elbows raised, drop them down and in toward each other thus striking and sandwiching opponent’s jaws (with your right inside elbow striking to opponent’s left jaw and your left inside elbow striking to opponent’s right jaw).
  7. Grab back of opponent’s head with both of your hands and push down as your right knee kicks up and smashes opponent’s face.
  8. From your right knee kick have your  right foot stomp to opponent’s right instep.
  9. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 6 o’clock.

SNAKES OF WISOM (Left And Right Shoulder Grab By Two Men At Sides)

  1. With feet together and both of your shoulders grabbed by two opponents flanking you, step back with your right foot to 6 o’clock (into a left forward bow) as you circle both arms (your arms) out and back (in an obscure claw fashion) clawing opponents’ faces (your right hand clawing the face of right opponent and your left hand clawing the face of your left opponent).
  2. Continue to circle your arms around, over and back and immediately step forward with your right foot to 12 o’clock (into a right forward bow) as you deliver double uppercut punches so that your forearms and biceps strike under and against opponents’ elbows to break both of them (your right arm under opponent’s [right opponent] left elbow and your left arm under opponent’s  [left opponent] right elbow).
  3. Deliver double back knuckle strikes to ribs of opponents (your right back knuckle strikes to opponent’s [right opponent] left ribcage and your left back knuckle to opponent’s [left opponent] right ribcage).
  4. Circle both of your hands back, around, in and grab both of opponents’ heads (smashing opponents’ heads together) as your left knee kicks up and between opponent’s  heads.
  5. As you re-plant your left foot back (into a right forward bow) grab both ankles as you drop to a right close kneel. Pull up with both hands and stand back up to a right forward bow.
  6. While still  maintaining  both  ankle  grabs  (at  least  try  to  maintain  grabs) deliver a right ball kick to groin of opponent to your left.
  7. Plant your right foot toward 12 o’clock (into a right neutral bow) and execute a left roundhouse kick to sternum, or groin, of opponent to your right.
  8. From your left kick left front crossover and cover out twice, keeping equal distance between opponents.

ENTWINED LANCE (Front Right Knife Thrust)

  1. While in a left neutral bow and as opponent thrusts his knife, shift your left foot slightly to 3 o’clock and pivot (in place) into a left front twist stance as your left hand hooks inside of opponent’s left wrist and hooks out (palm is up as if begging for money).
  2. Immediately step forward to 11 o’clock with your right foot (into a side horse) buckling as well as checking to inside of opponent’s right knee. Simultaneously deliver a right heel palm strike (fingers are horizontal and fingertips are pointed toward 9 o’clock) to opponent’s left chin.
  3. Have your right foot sweep opponent’s right foot toward 6 o’clock as your right hand slides down opponent’s arm (checking opponent’s arm down to his right wrist). Simultaneously have your left hand go over your own right arm as you deliver a left horizontal two finger poke to opponent’s eye (either one). At the time of contact with your left finger poke you should be in a right one legged stance in preparation for a kick.
  4. From your one legged stance, deliver a right knife-edge kick to inside of opponent’s left knee.
  5. As you plant your right foot forward (into a right neutral bow) switch your left finger poke to a left hand grab to opponent’s right wrist (sliding and checking your opponent’s right arm on the way back). Simultaneously execute a horizontal right back knuckle strike to opponent’s right ribcage.
  6. From your right back knuckle strike deliver a right upward (flapping the elbow up) elbow strike under chin of opponent (while still in a right neutral bow). This is optional.
  7. Immediately step back with your right foot (into a left neutral bow). While moving back execute a right back knuckle strike to your opponent’s right temple, {have your right back knuckle travel diagonally from left to right, over, and down from 10 o’clock to 4 o’clock) followed by a left raking knuckle strike (traveling in the same path as your right back knuckle) across opponent’s head  and face.
  8. Left front crossover and cover out twice.

FALLING FALCON (Front Right One Hand Direct Lapel Grab)

  1. With feet together, have your left hand pin opponent’s right hand (which is grabbing) to your chest as your right foot steps forward (into a right neutral bow) and to right of opponent’s right leg (adjacent to it).  Simultaneously have your right elbow strike vertically against opponent’s right shoulder  (to head of humerus).
  2. Immediately after the strike pivot into a right reverse bow (pinning with your left hand and pushing with your right elbow) and force opponent into a takedown, having your right still-leg act as a trip (head of opponent should be pointed toward 6 o’clock).
  3. With opponent on his back shift your right hand under (reverse it counter clockwise and palm up) opponent’s right wrist and switch your stance to a left reverse bow as your right hand maintains the grab (on opponent’s right wrist) and  twists clockwise (placing great pressure on opponent’s right wrist and shoulder).   Simultaneously strike opponent’s right elbow with your left heel palm (to break  the elbow).
  4. Cock your left leg and deliver a left knife-edge kick to right neck of opponent as both of your hands grab and pull up and toward you to cause a possible should dislocation (the two opposing forces will also enhance your kick to the side of your opponent’s neck).
  5. Immediately plant your left foot to about 5 o’clock and have your left hand shift under (reverse it clockwise and palm up) opponent’s right wrist and again switch your stance (in place) to a left forward bow as your left hand grabs and twists counter clockwise (opponent’s elbow at this point should be facing down and toward the ground).
  6. While still maintaining  a left hand grab deliver a right kick using the right side of your shin (the peroneus longus muscle) to kick to back of opponent’s right  elbow to break it further  (optional).
  7. From your right kicking position deliver a right back scoop kick (using the back of your heel) to right ribcage or right kidney of opponent.
  8. With your right foot by-passing opponent’s ribs or kidney and now cocked in the  air  (your  left  hand  is  still  maintaining  the  wrist  grab)  kick  down  to opponent’s groin with the ball of your right foot.
  9. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 5 o’clock.

3rd Brown Belt Kata Manual


Often referred to as another “Grab Attacks” form, Long 3 builds on Short 3 and increase the number and sophistication of self defense techniques grabs, chokes, and locks. This is the second technique form we are taught . It contains additional isolations and the techniques are run on both left and right sides.


Set 1: Destructive Twins {Two-Hand Lapel Grab)

  1. An attacker from 12 o’clock grabs your lapels with both hands.
  2.  Step your right foot forward into a right neutral bow as you execute a ‘U’ punch towards 12 o’clock. [Your left hand should be striking at your attacker’s face and your right hand striking at their groin .]
  3. Shift your right foot towards 1o’clock into a right forward bow as you execute a left outward block and chamber your right hand.
  4. Execute a left hand spear at your attacker’s eyes.
  5. With that left hand, grab them and pull them into a right reverse punch as you shift into a horsestance facing 10:30.
  6. Execute a right push-down block as you pull back slightly; execute a right reverse punch again to the attacker’s solar plexus.
  7. Execute a right backfist to your attacker’s face.
  8. Step back into a horsestance.

Set 2: Destructive Twins {Two-Hand Lapel Grab)

  1. An attacker from 12 o’clock grabs your lapels with both hands.
  2. Step your left foot forward into a left neutral bow as you execute a ‘U’ punch towards 12 o’clock. [Your right hand should be striking at your attacker ‘s face and your left hand striking at their groin.]
  3. Shift your left foot towards 1o’clock into a left forward bow as you execute a right outward block and chamber your left hand.
  4. Execute a right hand spear at your attacker’s eyes.
  5. With that right hand, grab them and pull them into a left reverse punch as you shift into a horsestance facing 10:30.
  6. Execute a left push-down block as you pull back slightly; execute a left reverse punch again to the attacker’s solar plexus.
  7. Execute a left backfist to your attacker’s face.
  8. Step back into a horsestance as you execute two thumb strikes poking to your attacker’s eyes.

Set 3: Crashing Wings (Rear Bear-Hug; Arms Free)

  1. An attacker grabs you in a bear hug from 6 o’clock, but leaves your arms free.
  2. Sink in your horsestance as you execute two outward overhead elbows down onto your attacker’s forearms.
  3. Pull your left foot to your right in a catstance facing 9 o’clock with your hands in the “Chinese Hidden Fist” position (right fist against hip, palm up; left fist above it vertically.)
  4. Step your left foot to 7:30 (essentially just behind your attacker) in a left closed kneel stance facing 9 o’clock [to assist in buckling their knee] as you execute a left outward elbow followed immediately by a right hammerfist to their sternum as you sink in the stance.

Set 4: Dominating Circles (Left Flank Lapel Grab)

  1. An attacker from 9 o’clock grabs your lapels from the finishing position of Crashing Wings.
  2. Execute a right downward block that continues its circle. As you do that, execute a left inward downward block following in the same circle of the downward block.
  3. Immediately follow that by simultaneously executing a cover I side stomp and a left outward overhead elbow onto your attacker’s sternum. (The cover will make you be in a right neutral bow facing 3 o’clock.)
  4. Grab your attacker and turn towards 3 o’clock and push them towards 3 o’clock. [The left hand will resemble a palm strike and the right hand will resemble an outward handsword]
  5. Return to a horsestance facing  12 o’clock as you execute two thumb strikes poking to your attacker’s  eyes.

Set 5: Crashing Wings (Rear Bear Hug; Arms Free)

  1. An attacker grabs you in a bear hug from 6 o’clock, but leaves your arms free.
  2. Sink in your horsestance as you execute two outward overhead elbows down onto your attacker’s forearms.
  3. Pull your right foot to your left in a catstance facing 3 o’clock with your hands in the “Chinese Hidden Fist” position (left fist against hip, palm up; right fist above  it vertically.)
  4. Step your right foot to 4:30 (essentia lly just behind your attacker) in a right closed kneel stance facing 3 o’clock [to assist in buckling their knee] as you execute a right outward elbow followed immediately by a left hammerfist to their sternum as you sink in the stance.

Set 6: Dominating Circles (Right Flank Lapel Grab)

  1. An attacker from 3 o’clock grabs your lapels from the finishing position of Crashing Wings.
  2. Execute a left downward block that continues its circle. As you do that, execute a right inward downward block following in the same circle of the downward block.
  3. Immediately follow that by simultaneously executing a cover I side stomp and a left outward overhead elbow onto your attacker’s sternum. (The cover will make you be in a right neutral bow facing 3 o’clock.)
  4. Grab your attacker and turn towards 9 o’clock and push them towards 9 o’clock. [The left hand will resemble a palmstrike and the right hand will resemble an outward handsword.]

Set 7: Isolation

  1. An attacker from 12 o’clock grabs you in an attempted front bear hug.
  2. Punch straight down with both hands to loosen their grip. As you do so, return to the horsestance facing  12 o’clock.
  3. Knock away their hands as you “swim” out with them, pushing the offending hands away .
  4. Loop them upwards until they cross in front of your face; turn so as your fingers dig into your attacker’s eyes.
  5. Rake your attacker’s eyes as you pull your hands back into chamber .
  6. Cross claw at waist chambering elbows . Grabbing and breaking the fingers of an attacker from the rear who has a bear hug arms free.

Set 8: Parting Wings (Two-Hand Push)

  1. An attacker comes at you from 12 o’clock and attempts to push you.
  2. Step back to 6 o’clock with your right foot so you are in a left neutral bow facing 12 o’clock as you execute a right and a left extended outward block at the same time (palms open) to clear away your attacker’s arms.
  3. Shift into a forward bow as you execute a right inward handsword into your attacker’s ribs. (Your left hand should become a check at your chin and prepare for the next strike.)
  4. Shift back into a left neutral bow as you execute a left outward handsword . (You r right hand should be in a ready position for the next strike .)
  5. Shift back into your forward bow as you execute a right middle-knuck le strike to your attacker’s solar plexus.
  6. Pull your right foot back to your left.

Set 9: Parting Wings (Two-Hand Push)

  1. An attacker comes at you from 12 o’clock and attempts to push you.
  2. Step back to 6 o’clock with your left foot so you are in a right neutral bow facing 12 o’clock as you execute a left and a right extended outward block at the same time (palms open) to clear away your attacker’s arms .
  3. Shift into a forward bow as you execute a left inward handsword into your attacker’s ribs. (Your right hand should become a check at your chin and prepare for the next strike.)
  4. Shift back into a right neutral bow as you execute a right outward handsword.
  5. (Your left hand should be in a ready position for the next strike.)
  6. Shift back into your forward bow as you execute a left middle-knuckle strike to your attacker’s solar plexus.

Set 10: Glancing Spear (Two-Handed Left Wrist Grab)

  1. Your attacker grabs your left wrist with both of their hands from 12 o’clock.
  2. Step back with your right foot towards 6 o’clock into a left neutral bow as your right hand snakes under your own left wrist and grabs your attacker’s right wrist. Continue this motion until you are in a left reverse bow (breaking elbow) as you pull your opponent towards 6 o’clock.
  3. Shift back into a neutral bow as you execute a left outward elbow strike to your attacker’s ribs. (Have your right hand pull on their arm, drawing them into the strike .)
  4.  Release your right hand’s grasp and execute a right hand spear (palm down) to their eyes. [This hand spear will glance off their forearm and ricochet into their eyes and will remain out for the next set.]

Set 11: Glancing Spear (Two-Handed Right Wrist Grab)

  1. Your attacker grabs your right wrist with both of their hands from 12 o’clock.
  2. Step back with your left foot towards 6 o’clock into a right neutral bow as your left hand snakes under your own right wrist and grabs your attacker’s left wrist. Continue this motion until you are in a right reverse bow as you pull your opponent towards 6 o’clock .
  3. Shift back into a neutral bow as you execute a right outward elbow strike to your attacker’s head. (Have your left hand pull on their arm, drawing them into the strike.)
  4. Release your left hand’s grasp and execute a left hand spear (palm down) to their eyes. (This hand spear will glance off their forearm and ricochet into their eyes.]

Set 12: Isolations (Attackers At Sides)

Note: look forward at all times. When one hand is acting, the other is in chamber.


  1. Step your right foot back so you are in a horsestance facing 12 o’clock. Rotate your right arm counter-clockwise dropping the elbow into their elbow, Crease Point, drawing them in. Execute a vertical back knuckle strike to your attacker’s face.
  2. Rotate your left arm clockwise dropping the elbow onto their elbow, drawing them in. Execute a left vertical back knuckle strike to the other attacker’s face.
  3. Rotate your right arm clockwise around your attacker’s arm (this should press against their elbow joint) and execute a right backfist to your attacker’s ribs.
  4. Rotate your left arm counter-clockwise around your other attacker’s arm, (pressing against their elbow joint) and execute a left backfist to your attacker’s ribs.
  5. Repeat with both arms, the right moving counter-clockwise and the left moving clockwise. Drop, drawing both attackers in and simultaneously execute vertical back knuckle strikes to the respective attacker’s face.
  6. Repeat again with both arms. This time, the right will move clockwise and the left will rotate counter-clockwise. Wrap around the attacker’s arm, pressing on the elbow joint and simultaneously execute two backfists to the respective attacker’s ribs.
  7. Return to horse stance.

Set 13: Crossing Talons (Cross Right Wrist Grab)

  1. An attacker at 12 o’clock grabs your right hand with their right hand.
  2. Step towards 12 o’clock with your left foot into a left neutral bow . Simultaneously roll their arm as you use the pressure of your left forearm against their right elbow joint  to push them over.
  3. Execute a left outward elbow strike to their temple as your right hand pulls them into the strike.
  4. Reach down and claw their face; as you pull up, loop your arm clockwise so you execute an inward overhead elbow down onto their back.
  5. Return to your horsestance

Set 14: Crossing Talons (Cross Left Wrist Grab)

  1. An attacker at 12 o’clock grabs your left hand with their left hand.
  2. Step towards 12 o’clock with your right foot into a right neutral bow. Simultaneously roll their arm as you use the pressure of your right forearm against their left elbow joint to push them over.
  3. Execute a right outward elbow strike to their temple as your left hand pulls them into the strike.
  4. Reach down and claw their face; as you pull up, loop your arm clockwise so you execute an inward overhead elbow down onto their back.
  5. Return to your horsestance

Set 15: Thrusting Wedge (Two-Hand Grab)

  1. Step your right foot to 7:30 in a right forward bow as an attacker at 7:30 grabs your shoulders.
  2. As you land in that forward bow, execute two thumb strikes poking to your attacker’s eyes .
  3. Shift into a right neutral bow as you execute a right upward elbow strike.
  4. Execute a right overhead claw to your attacker’s face.
  5. Return to your horsestance.

Set 16: Thrusting Wedge (Two-Hand Grab)

  1. Step your left foot to 4:30 in a left forward bow as an attacker at 4:30 grabs your shoulders.
  2. As you land in that forward bow, execute two thumb strikes poking to your attacker ‘s eyes.
  3. Shift into a left neutral bow as you execute a left upward elbow strike. 4. Execute a left overhead claw to your attacker’s face .
  4. Return to your horsestance.

Set 17: Blinding Sacrifice (Two-Hand Choke)

  1. An attacker at 1:30 grabs your throat with their hands.
  2. Step to 1:30 with your left foot into a left neutral bow as you execute two thumb strikes poking into your attacker’s eyes.
  3. Loop your hands down and execute a double underhand claw to your attacker’s groin. Pull and loop back up. Pull your left foot into a catstance as you execute two inverted back knuckles strikes to each side of your attacker’s ribs.
  4. (You will pull these back to chamber.)
  5. Step your left foot back out to 1:30 as you execute two thumb strikes poking into your attacker’s eyes.
  6. Rake down with your thumbs. Loop back up and execute two inverted vertical punches to your attacker’s temples . Collapse your fists so you strike with your forearms (resembling vertical outward blocks).
  7. Execute a left knife-edge kick to your attacker ‘s knee.
  8. Return to your horsestance.

Set 18: Blinding Sacrifice (Two-Hand Choke)

  1. An attacker at 10:30 grabs your throat with their hands.
  2. Step to 10:30 with your right foot into a right neutral bow as you execute two thumb strikes poking into your attacker’s eyes.
  3. Loop your hands down and execute a double underhand claw to your attacker’s groin . Pull and loop back up. Pull your right foot into a catstance as you execute two inverted back knuckles strikes to each side of your attacker’s ribs. (You will pull these back to chamber.)
  4. Step your right foot back out to 1:30 as you execute two thumb strikes poking into your attacker’s eyes .
  5. Rake down with your thumbs. Loop back up and execute two inverted vertical punches to your attacker’s temples. Collapse your fists so you strike with your forearms (resembling vertical outward blocks).
  6. Execute a right knife-edge kick to your attacker’s knee.
  7. Return to your horsestance.

Set 19: Wings Of Silk (Attempted Bear Hug; Possibly Arms Pinned)

  1. An attacker from 6 o’clock attempts to pin your arms in a bear hug.
  2. Bring your left foot up into your attacker’s groin as you push down with your left hand to break their grip.
  3. Turn and step counter-clockwise (to 9 o’clock) with your right foot in a short step as your left hand grabs your attacker’s left arm.
  4. Complete the counter-clockwise rotation by continuing the circle with your left foot. As you land in a horse stance facing 12 o’clock, execute a right vertical punch to your attacker’s elbow.
  5. Execute a right outward elbow.
  6. Step your left foot towards 12 o’clock into a left neutral bow as you swing your hands in a counter-clockwise circle. Pull them in slightly and execute a left backfist and a right vertical thrust punch .
