Long Form 6 – Martial Arts in Pasadena
American Kenpo Karate, a premier Martial Arts Pasadena Studio offers students instruction on self-defense techniques, katas, and sparring. In the video that follows, Master Rick Jeffcoat demonstrates Long Form 6. Long Form 6 is the required Kata for Black Belt in the 24 Technique System in the original Ed Parker Curriculum.
Do the full Kenpo salutation, up to the prayer hands. Reverse the close into a push-down, for purposes of category completion.
Set 1: Glancing Lance (Right Knife From 12:00)
- Step back with the right foot to 5:30 in a left neutral bow with a right inward/outward parry and a left inward parry .
- Do a right front kick to 12:00 to the groin, and land forward with a right eye poke.
- Pull the right foot back into a left crane stance as the right hand circles inward and downward to clear the knife and the right foot side kicks his knee.
- The right foot lands to 12:00 in a right neutral bow as the right heel palm (with an anchored elbow) hits the face .
- Do a left middle knuckle to the temple as the right hand checks. The left hand
- checks as the right arm rolls into an inward horizontal elbow to the temple.
- Bring the left foot up to the right in attention stance as the hands clear downward,
- outward, and then into pushdowns.
Set II: Glancing Lance (Left Knife From 12:00)
- Step back with the left foot to 6:30 in a right neutral bow with a left inward/outward parry and a right inward parry.
- Do a left front kick to 12:00 to the groin, and land forward with a right eyepoke.
- Pull the left foot back into a right crane stance as the left hand circles inward and downward to clear the knife and the left foot side kicks his knee.
- The left foot lands to 12:00 in a left neutral bow as the left heel palm (with an anchored elbow) hits the face.
- Do a right middle knuckle to the temple as the left hand checks . The right hand checks as the left arm rolls into an inward horizontal elbow to the temple.
Set III: Unfurling Lance (Right Knife Thrust From 3:00)
- This is based on Unfurling Crane, and also shows Glancing Lance, using reverses and Opposites
- Pull the right foot to 9:00 in a cat facing 3:00 as the right hand does a right inward parry and the left hand does a left outward parry.
- Do a right front kick to the groin, and land forward to 3:00 in a right neutral bow with a right middle knuckle to the temple or armpit.
- Shuffle forward with a right inward horizontal elbow as the left hand waiter checks.
- Do a left downward heel palm\claw to the face with a right vertical back knuckle to the face.
- Bring the left foot up to the right as you do a right downward hammerfist to the groin.
- As the right foot scoops up do a right upward elbow, and then do a right side kick to the knee with a right hammerfist to the clavicle.
Set IV: Unfurling Lance (Left Knife Snap Thrust Knife From 9:00)
- Pull the left foot to 3:00 in a cat facing 9:00 as the left hand does a left inward parry and the right hand does a right outward parry.
- Do a left front kick to the groin, and land forward to 9:00 in a left neutral bow with a left middle knuckle to the temple or armpit.
- Shuffle forward with a left inward horizontal elbow as the right hand waiter checks .
- Do a right downward heel palm\claw to the face with a left vertical back knuckle to the face.
- Bring the right foot up to the left as you do a left downward hammerfist to the groin. As the left foot scoops up do a left upward elbow, and then do a left side kick to the knee with a left hammerfist to the clavicle.
- Plant the left foot in a square horse stance facing 12:00.
Set V: Clipping The Lance (Knife Snap Thrust From 1:30)
- This is a variation of Clipping the Storm, note the interior of the technique is Parting Wings
- Do a right rear crossover to 7:30 with a right outward downward block (palm down) as the left hand cocks high.
- Untwist clockwise into a left neutral bow with a left downward chop as the right hand cocks high.
- Shift into a left forward bow with a right chop to the arm .
- Shift into a left neutral bow with a left chop to the throat.
- Shift into a left forward bow with a right eye poke as the left hand covers horizontally .
- Do a right front crossover to 1:30 with a left middle knuckle to the armpit.
- Pivot counter-clockwise into a right neutral bow with a right heel palm to the face.
Set VI: Clipping The Lance (Knife Snap Thrust From 10:30)
- Do a left rear crossover to 4:30 with a left outward downward block (palm down) as the right hand cocks high.
- Untwist clockwise into a right neutral bow with a right downward chop as the left hand cocks high.
- Shift into a right forward bow with a left chop to the arm.
- Shift into a right neutral bow with a right chop to the throat.
- Shift into a right forward bow with a left eye poke as the right hand covers horizontally.
- Do a left front crossover to 10:30 with a right middle knuckle to the armpit.
- Pivot clockwise into a left neutral bow with a left heel palm to the face.
Set VII: Thrusting Lance (Thrusting Knife From 12:00)
- Pull the left foot back to the right in a cat with a left inward block.
- Step with the left foot to 6:00 in a right neutral bow with a right inward block. (For a and b, this is the other side of Long 1, and the fists travel a figure-a.
- Shuffle to 12:00 into a right close kneel with a head butt and a left heel palm to the groin as the right hand checks horizontally.
- Shift into a right neutral bow (making a triangle on your left hip with the fingers). Step back with the right foot to 6:00 into a left neutral bow, with the triangle in front.
- Pull the hands down, and do a front-leg chicken kick, landing with the right foot to 12:00.
- In a right neutral bow, do a right upward vertical back knuckle to the chin, a right downward vertical back knuckle to the face, and then do an x-raking motion (right to left and left to right) as the left hand pins the wrist to your chest.
Set VIII: Thrusting Lance (Thrusting Knife From 12:00)
- Pull the right foot back to the left in a cat with a right inward block.
- Step with the right foot to 6:00 in a left neutral bow with a left inward block. (For a and b,this is the other side of Long 1, and the fists travel a figure-a.
- Shuffle to 12:00 into a left close kneel with a head butt and a right heel palm to the groin as the left hand checks horizontally .
- Shift into a left neutral bow (making a triangle on your right hip with the fingers). Step back with the left foot to 6:00 into a right neutral bow,with the triangle in front of you.
- Pull the hands down, and do a front-leg chicken kick, landing with the left foot to 12:00.
- In a left neutral bow , do a left upward vertical back knuckle to the chin, a left downward vertical back knuckle to the face, and then do an x -raking motion (left to right and right to left) as the right hand pins the wrist to your chest.
Set IX: Raining Lance (Right Overhead Knife Attack From 9:00)
- Pull the left foot back to 6:00, and pivot into a cat facing 9:00, and then step with the left foot to 9:00 into a left neutral bow as the left hand does an overhead downward parry (mirroring Thrusting Lance) to touch the right bicep.
- Slide to 9:00 with a left chop\push.
- Shuffle to 9:00 with a right inward horizontal elbow to the face.
- Pivot clockwise into a right reverse bow facing 1:30 as the right hand checks and the left hand does an inverted crab hand to the throat and the left knee checks.
- As the left hand checks, pivot counter-clockwise into a left forward bow facing
- 9 :00 as the right hand circles outward, upward, and then downward into a right chop which becomes a rolling claw.
Set X: Raining Lance (Left Overhead Knife Attack From 3:00)
- Pull the left right back to 6 :00, and pivot into a cat facing 3:00, and then step with the right foot to 3:00 into a right neutral bow as the right hand does an overhead downward parry (mirroring Thrusting Lance) to touch the left bicep.
- Slide to 3:00 with a right chop\push.
- Shuffle to 3:00 with a left inward horizontal elbow to the face.
- Pivot counter-clockwise into a left reverse bow facing 10:30 as the left hand checks and the right hand does an inverted crab hand to the throat and the right knee checks.
- As the right hand checks, pivot clockwise into a right forward bow facing 3:00 as the left hand circles outward, upward, and then downward into a left chop which becomes a rolling claw.
Set XI: Capturing The Storm (Right Step-Through Overhead Club From 12:00)
- As the left foot steps to 12:00 do crossed upward blocks to 1:00, as you grab the right wrist and roll it downwards. Step with the right foot to 12:00, and then with the left foot counter-clockwise to 11:00, as the right hand grabs the club, and strikes the right elbow. Be sure to get in a left knee check (or buckle) as you roll the club forward.
- After breaking the arm, the right hand strikes the mastoid, and the front of the right knee.
- As you do a right front crossover to 6:00, the right hand strikes the back of the right knee before circling up to strike the face.
Set XII: Circling The Storm (Right Step-Through Overhead Club)
- Step with the left foot to 12:00 in a left neutral bow with a left inward block.
- Step with the right foot to 11:30 in a right front twist stance as you do a right inward hammerfist to the right face.
- Pivot counter-clockwise to 6:00 in a left neutral bow as the left arm strikes the right armpit with a right hand check.
- Hop back to the center line on your left foot as the right foot kicks the back of his left knee.
- Plant the right foot to 6 :00 as the right outward crane beak strikes the groin from behind. As the left hand checks his left shoulder, bring your right arm up so your right elbow checks his right shoulder as your right hand circles in front of his face into a claw. This show the checking principle).
- The right hand comes back to horizontally check both shoulders as the left foot does a left front crossover to 6:00, (sweeping his leg) while the left crane beak descends to strike his groin.
Set XIII: Circling The Storm: For A Left Step-Through Overhead Club)
- Step with the right foot to 12:00 in a right neutral bow with a right inward block .
- Step with the left foot to 1:30 in a left front twist stance as you do a left inward hammerfist to the left face.
- Pivot clockwise to 6:00 in a right neutral bow as the right arm strikes the left armpit with a left hand check.
- Hop back to the center line on your right foot as the left foot kicks the back of his right knee.
- Plant the left foot to 6:00 as the left outward crane beak strikes the groin from behind. As the right hand checks his right shoulder, bring your left arm up so your left elbow checks his left shoulder as your left hand circles in front of his face into a claw . (This shows the checking principle).
- The left hand comes back to horizontally check both shoulders as the right foot does a right front crossover to 6:00, (kneeing his groin and sweeping his leg) while the right crane beak descends to strike his groin.
Set XIV: Escape From The Storm (Right Step-Through Overhead Club)
- Jump on the left foot, and step with the right foot to 3:00 in a right neutral bow as you do a left inward parry with a right heel palm to the jaw.
- Step with the left foot to 3:00, pivot clockwise to face 9:00 in a right neutral bow as the left hand checks.
- The right foot steps back to 3:00 in a long left neutral bow as the right hand tracks down the leg.
- Do a right front crossover to 9:00 (under his knee) as both elbows come down on his calf and thigh (breaking the knee).
- The left hand circles up and then down to slap the leg away (to 12:00).
- The right hand does an inward underhand crane strike to the groin.
- Pivot counter-clockwise into a right reverse bow as the right hand continues the circle into an outward underhand crane strike to the groin.
- Do a right scooping heel kick to the groin.
- Do a left front crossover to 9:00 into a left front twist stance as the left hand does an inward underhand crane strike to the groin, followed by a right knee to the groin to 9 :00.
Set XV: Escape From The Storm (Left Step-Through Overhead Club)
- Jump on the right foot, and step with the left foot to 9 :00 in a left neutral bow as you do a right inward parry with a left heel palm to the jaw .
- Step with the right foot to 9:00, pivot counter-clockwise to face 3:00 in a left neutral bow as the right hand checks.
- The left foot steps back to 9:00 in a long right neutral bow as the left hand tracks down the leg.
- Do a left front crossover to 3:00 (under his knee) as both elbows come down on his calf and thigh (breaking the knee).
- The right hand circles up and then down to slap the leg away (to 6:00).
- The left hand does an inward underhand crane strike to the groin.
- Pivot clockwise into a left reverse bow as the left hand continues the circle into an outward underhand crane strike to the groin.
- Do a left scooping heel kick to the groin.
- Do a right front crossover to 3 :00 into a right front twist stance as the right hand does an inward underhand crane strike to the groin.
Set XVII: Entwined Lance (Right Step-Through Knife)
- Pivot counter-clockwise to face 12:00 as the left foot does a left front crossover to 12:00, with the toes pointing to 10:30. The left hand does a waiter-hand check as the right hand covers horizontally across the chest.
- Step with the right foot to 12:00 in a right neutral bow with a right outward horizontal chop.
- Do a right backward sweep to his right knee, to 6:00 as the left hand spears the eyes and the right hand checks. The sweep cocks the foot in front for the knife edge kick, where Scraping Hoof cocks the foot in the rear.
- Do a right knife edge side kick to his left knee, and plant to 12:00 in a right neutral bow with a right back knuckle to the chest.
Set XVIII: Entwined Lance (Left Step-Through Knife)
- The right foot pulls back slightly to 6:00 in a right front crossover to 6:00, with the toes pointing to 1:30. The left hand does a waiter-hand check as the left hand covers horizontally across the chest.
- Step with the left foot to 12:00 in a left neutral bow with a left outward horizontal chop .
- Do a left backward sweep to his left knee, to 6:00 as the right hand spears the eyes and the left hand checks. The sweep cocks the foot in front for the knife edge kick, where Scraping Hoof cocks the foot in the rear.
- Do a left knife edge side kick to his right knee, and plant to 12:00 in a left neutral bow with a left back knuckle to the chest.
Set LXX: Capturing The Rod (Right Hand Pistol From 3:00)
- Step with the right foot to 3:00, in a right neutral bow with a left outward parry and a right hand grab from above.
- Shift into a right forward bow with a left hand slice to the eyes.
- Shift back into a right neutral bow as you regrab with the left hand.
- Step back to 9:00 with the right foot into a left forward bow with the pistol in front.
- Do a right front kick, pulling the pistol to the right hip.
- Plant the right foot to 3:00 in a right neutral bow, with a right upward back knuckle to the face.
Set XX: Capturing The Rod (Left Hand Pistol From 9 :00)
- Step with the left foot to 6:00, in a left neutral bow with a right outward parry and a left hand grab from above.
- Shift into a left forward bow with a right hand slice to the eyes.
- Shift back into a left neutral bow as you regrab with the right hand.
- Step back to 3:00 with the left foot into a right forward bow with the pistol in front.
- Do a left front kick, pulling the pistol to the left hip.
- Plant the left foot to 9:00 in a left neutral bow, with a left upward back knuckle to the face.
Set XXI: Broken Rod [Right Hand Pistol From Behind (4:30 In The Form)]
- Step with the right foot to 4 :30, and turn clockwise with a right outward block.
- Step with the left foot to 4:30 into a left neutral bow with a left upper cut
- break the arm followed by a left hammerfist to the groin.
- Have left hand continue the circle upward to check the shoulder from the outside. The break here matches the break in Wings of Silk, and uses the opposite hand pos1t1on of Lone Kimono.
- Step with the right foot to 4:30 into a right neutral bow as the right hand pulls the pistol to the right hip.
- Do a right upward vertical back knuckle to the face, rotate into a horse, and do an orbital switch to deliver a right inward horizontal back knuckle to the sternum.
Set XXII: Broken Rod [Left Hand Pistol From Behind (7:30 In The Form)]
- Step with the left foot to 4 :30, and turn counter-clockwise with a left outward block.
- Step with the right foot to 7 :30 into a right neutral bow with a right uppercut to break the arm, followed by a right hammerfist to the groin.
- Have the right hand continue the circle upward to check the shoulder from the outside. The break here matches the break in Wings of Silk, and uses the opposite hand position of Lone Kimono.
- Step with the left foot to 7:30 into a left neutral bow as the left hand pulls the pistol to the left hip.
- Do a left upward vertical back knuckle to the face, rotate into a horse, and do an orbital switch to deliver a left inward horizontal back knuckle to the sternum.
Set XXIII: Defying The Rod [Right Hand Pistol From The Front (1:30 In The Form)]
- Do a left rear crossover to 1:30, turn counter-clockwise into a left neutral bow with a left outward chop.
- Do a right front kick to 1:30, a right eye poke, and plant to 1:30 in a right neutral bow with a right downward forearm to break his pistol arm. Bring your right elbow up to his chin.
- Do a right rear crossover to 7:30 as both hands raise his arm straight up. Your left hand is at his wrist, and your right hand is on his triceps.
- The right hand comes upward to disarm and the does a downward vertical
- back knuckle to the face, which circles backward and upward into an overhead downward hammerfist with a right knee. Plant the right knee to 1:30 in a right neutral bow.
Set XXIV: Defying The Rod [Left Hand Pistol From The Front (1:30 In The Form)]
- Do a right rear crossover to 10:30, turn clockwise into a right neutral bow with a right outward chop.
- Do a left front kick to 10:30, a left eye poke, and plant to 10:30 in a left neutral bow with a left downward forearm to break his pistol arm. Bring your left elbow to his chin.
- Do a left rear crossover to 4:30 as both hands raise his arm straight up. Your right hand is at his wrist, and your left hand is on his triceps.
- The left hand comes upward to disarm and the does a downward vertical t knuckle to the face, which circles backward and upward into an overhead downward hammerfist with a left knee. Plant the left knee to 10:30 in a left neutral bow.
Set XXV: TwistedRod (Right Pistol From The Side [(3:00 In The Form)]
- Begin with a right outward chopping parry
- Do a left rear crossover to 4:30.
- Step with the right foot to 4:30, with the toes pointing to 4:30, with a right outward chopping parry, and then step with the left foot to 3:00 in a left neutral bow as the left hand grabs the gun from above.
- Step with the right foot to 3:00, pivot clockwise into a left neutral bow with a right inward horizontal elbow to the jaw to take him down.
- The right foot skips on his right ribs, stomps on his left clavicle, and then kneels on his chest with a right downward eye poke. You are in a left close kneel, facing 6:00.
Set XXVI: Twisted Rod [Left Pistol From The Side ((9:00 In The Form)]
- Do a right rear crossover to 4:30.
- Step with the left foot to 7:30, with the toes pointing to 7:30, w ith a left outward chopping parry, and then step with the right foot to 9:00 in a right neutral bow as the right hand grabs the gum from above.
- Step with the left foot to 9:00, pivot clockwise into a right neutral bow with a left inward horizontal elbow to the jaw to take him down.
- The left foot skips on his left ribs, stomps on his right clavicle, and then kneels on his chest with a left downward eye poke. You are in a right close kneel, facing 6:00.
Hand Isolations
- Do a left rear crossover to 7 :30, and step with the right foot to 3:00 into a horse, with the fists cocked at the hips.
- Do a right inward-outward parry with a left inward parry . Do a right inward eye poke with a left outward parry. Do a right outward hooking parry with a left hand claw.
- Do a left inward-outward parry with a right inward parry. Do a left inward eye poke with a right outward parry,. Do a left outward hooking parry with a right hand claw.
- Drop the right hand outward and downward (i.e.,clockwise) to get the circle. Do a right outward vertical chop as the left hand comes over the top.
- Do a right inward horizontal sandwiching elbow.
- Drop the left hand outward and downward (i.e., counter clockwise) to get the circle. Do a left outward vertical chop as the right hand comes over the top. Do a left inward horizontal sandwiching elbow .
Without a doubt, American Kenpo Karate offers the best martial arts training in Pasadena!Master Rick Jeffcoat demonstrates how kenpo karate was intended to be taught and performed. He is a world famouskenpoist, a first generation student of Mr. Parker, and an incredible sensei. He works with only the best and promises you the opportunity to work with some of the best kenpoists in the world.