Karate Schools
American Kenpo Karate Schools typically share the same curriculum. Teach belt level typically has techniques, katas, sets, and freestyle moves. Today’s blog will focus on kata. In American Kenpo, the kata’s progress in difficulty. Often referred to as another “Grab Attacks” form, Long 3 builds on Short 3 and increase the number and sophistication of self-defense techniques grabs, chokes, and locks. This is the second technique form we are taught . It contains additional isolations and the techniques are run on both left and right sides.
Amongst other concepts and principles, Long Form 3 incorporates dead and semi-live attacks. There are no punches or kicks as attacks in Long Form 3. Additionally, Long Form 3 teaches how to retreat on the heel and how to move forward on the ball of the foot. This concept is preluded at the very end closing in Short 3.
As a technique-based kata, Long Form 3, is performed on both the right and left sides consecutively. There are 2 exceptions: 1) Crashing Wings—which has Dominating Circles inserted between the two sides; 2) Wings of Silk, which has a thrust sweep spinning sweep (back to horse) inserted between the two sides. These two exceptions teach the concept reverse motion in the foot or stepping patterns.
Check out a demonstration Long Form 3 below:
Signature and Salutation
Set 1: Destructive Twins (Two-Hand Lapel Grab)
- An attacker from 12 o’clock grabs your lapels with both hands.
- Step your right foot forward into a right neutral bow as you execute a ‘U’ punch towards 12 o’clock. [Your left hand should be striking at your attacker’s face and your right hand striking at their groin .]
- Shift your right foot towards 1o’clock into a right forward bow as you execute a left outward block and chamber your right hand.
- Execute a left hand spear at your attacker’s eyes.
- With that left hand, grab them and pull them into a right reverse punch as you shift into a horsestance facing 10:30.
- Execute a right push-down block as you pull back slightly; execute a right reverse punch again to the attacker’s solar plexus.
- Execute a right backfist to your attacker’s face.
- Step back into a horsestance.
Set 2: Destructive Twins (Two-Hand Lapel Grab)
- An attacker from 12 o’clock grabs your lapels with both hands.
- Step your left foot forward into a left neutral bow as you execute a ‘U’ punch towards 12 o’clock. [Your right hand should be striking at your attacker ‘s face and your left hand striking at their groin.]
- Shift your left foot towards 1o’clock into a left forward bow as you execute a right outward block and chamber your left hand.
- Execute a right hand spear at your attacker’s eyes.
- With that right hand, grab them and pull them into a left reverse punch as you shift into a horsestance facing 10:30.
- Execute a left push-down block as you pull back slightly; execute a left reverse punch again to the attacker’s solar plexus.
- Execute a left backfist to your attacker’s face.
- Step back into a horsestance as you execute two thumb strikes poking to your attacker’s eyes.
Set 3: Crashing Wings (Rear Bear-Hug; Arms Free)
- An attacker grabs you in a bear hug from 6 o’clock, but leaves your arms free.
- Sink in your horsestance as you execute two outward overhead elbows down onto your attacker’s forearms.
- Pull your left foot to your right in a catstance facing 9 o’clock with your hands in the “Chinese Hidden Fist” position (right fist against hip, palm up; left fist above it vertically.)
- Step your left foot to 7:30 (essentially just behind your attacker) in a left closed kneel stance facing 9 o’clock [to assist in buckling their knee] as you execute a left outward elbow followed immediately by a right hammerfist to their sternum as you sink in the stance.
Set 4: Dominating Circles (Left Flank Lapel Grab)
- An attacker from 9 o’clock grabs your lapels from the finishing position of Crashing Wings.
- Execute a right downward block that continues its circle. As you do that, execute a left inward downward block following in the same circle of the downward block.
- Immediately follow that by simultaneously executing a cover I side stomp and a left outward overhead elbow onto your attacker’s sternum. (The cover will make you be in a right neutral bow facing 3 o’clock.)
- Grab your attacker and turn towards 3 o’clock and push them towards 3 o’clock. [The left hand will resemble a palm strike and the right hand will resemble an outward handsword]
- Return to a horsestance facing 12 o’clock as you execute two thumb strikes poking to your attacker’s eyes.
Set 5: Crashing Wings (Rear Bear Hug; Arms Free)
- An attacker grabs you in a bear hug from 6 o’clock, but leaves your arms free.
- Sink in your horsestance as you execute two outward overhead elbows down onto your attacker’s forearms.
- Pull your right foot to your left in a catstance facing 3 o’clock with your hands in the “Chinese Hidden Fist” position (left fist against hip, palm up; right fist above it vertically.)
- Step your right foot to 4:30 (essentia lly just behind your attacker) in a right closed kneel stance facing 3 o’clock [to assist in buckling their knee] as you execute a right outward elbow followed immediately by a left hammerfist to their sternum as you sink in the stance.
Set 6: Dominating Circles (Right Flank Lapel Grab)
- An attacker from 3 o’clock grabs your lapels from the finishing position of Crashing Wings.
- Execute a left downward block that continues its circle. As you do that, execute a right inward downward block following in the same circle of the downward block.
- Immediately follow that by simultaneously executing a cover I side stomp and a left outward overhead elbow onto your attacker’s sternum. (The cover will make you be in a right neutral bow facing 3 o’clock.)
- Grab your attacker and turn towards 9 o’clock and push them towards 9 o’clock. [The left hand will resemble a palmstrike and the right hand will resemble an outward handsword.]
Set 7: Isolation
- An attacker from 12 o’clock grabs you in an attempted front bear hug.
- Punch straight down with both hands to loosen their grip. As you do so, return to the horsestance facing 12 o’clock.
- Knock away their hands as you “swim” out with them, pushing the offending hands away .
- Loop them upwards until they cross in front of your face; turn so as your fingers dig into your attacker’s eyes.
- Rake your attacker’s eyes as you pull your hands back into chamber .
- Cross claw at waist chambering elbows . Grabbing and breaking the fingers of an attacker from the rear who has a bear hug arms free.
Set 8: Parting Wings (Two-Hand Push)
- An attacker comes at you from 12 o’clock and attempts to push you.
- Step back to 6 o’clock with your right foot so you are in a left neutral bow facing 12 o’clock as you execute a right and a left extended outward block at the same time (palms open) to clear away your attacker’s arms.
- Shift into a forward bow as you execute a right inward handsword into your attacker’s ribs. (Your left hand should become a check at your chin and prepare for the next strike.)
- Shift back into a left neutral bow as you execute a left outward handsword . (You r right hand should be in a ready position for the next strike .)
- Shift back into your forward bow as you execute a right middle-knuck le strike to your attacker’s solar plexus.
- Pull your right foot back to your left.
Set 9: Parting Wings (Two-Hand Push)
- An attacker comes at you from 12 o’clock and attempts to push you.
- Step back to 6 o’clock with your left foot so you are in a right neutral bow facing 12 o’clock as you execute a left and a right extended outward block at the same time (palms open) to clear away your attacker’s arms .
- Shift into a forward bow as you execute a left inward handsword into your attacker’s ribs. (Your right hand should become a check at your chin and prepare for the next strike.)
- Shift back into a right neutral bow as you execute a right outward handsword.
- (Your left hand should be in a ready position for the next strike.)
- Shift back into your forward bow as you execute a left middle-knuckle strike to your attacker’s solar plexus.
Set 10: Glancing Spear (Two-Handed Left Wrist Grab)
- Your attacker grabs your left wrist with both of their hands from 12 o’clock.
- Step back with your right foot towards 6 o’clock into a left neutral bow as your right hand snakes under your own left wrist and grabs your attacker’s right wrist. Continue this motion until you are in a left reverse bow (breaking elbow) as you pull your opponent towards 6 o’clock.
- Shift back into a neutral bow as you execute a left outward elbow strike to your attacker’s ribs. (Have your right hand pull on their arm, drawing them into the strike .)
- Release your right hand’s grasp and execute a right hand spear (palm down) to their eyes. [This hand spear will glance off their forearm and ricochet into their eyes and will remain out for the next set.]
Set 11: Glancing Spear (Two-Handed Right Wrist Grab)
- Your attacker grabs your right wrist with both of their hands from 12 o’clock.
- Step back with your left foot towards 6 o’clock into a right neutral bow as your left hand snakes under your own right wrist and grabs your attacker’s left wrist. Continue this motion until you are in a right reverse bow as you pull your opponent towards 6 o’clock .
- Shift back into a neutral bow as you execute a right outward elbow strike to your attacker’s head. (Have your left hand pull on their arm, drawing them into the strike.)
- Release your left hand’s grasp and execute a left hand spear (palm down) to their eyes. (This hand spear will glance off their forearm and ricochet into their eyes.]
Set 12: Isolations (Attackers At Sides)
- Step your right foot back so you are in a horsestance facing 12 o’clock. Rotate your right arm counter-clockwise dropping the elbow into their elbow, Crease Point, drawing them in. Execute a vertical back knuckle strike to your attacker’s face.
- Rotate your left arm clockwise dropping the elbow onto their elbow, drawing them in. Execute a left vertical back knuckle strike to the other attacker’s face.
- Rotate your right arm clockwise around your attacker’s arm (this should press against their elbow joint) and execute a right backfist to your attacker’s ribs.
- Rotate your left arm counter-clockwise around your other attacker’s arm, (pressing against their elbow joint) and execute a left backfist to your attacker’s ribs.
- Repeat with both arms, the right moving counter-clockwise and the left moving clockwise. Drop, drawing both attackers in and simultaneously execute vertical back knuckle strikes to the respective attacker’s face.
- Repeat again with both arms. This time, the right will move clockwise and the left will rotate counter-clockwise. Wrap around the attacker’s arm, pressing on the elbow joint and simultaneously execute two backfists to the respective attacker’s ribs.
- Return to horse stance.
Set 13: Crossing Talons (Cross Right Wrist Grab)
- An attacker at 12 o’clock grabs your right hand with their right hand.
- Step towards 12 o’clock with your left foot into a left neutral bow . Simultaneously roll their arm as you use the pressure of your left forearm against their right elbow joint to push them over.
- Execute a left outward elbow strike to their temple as your right hand pulls them into the strike.
- Reach down and claw their face; as you pull up, loop your arm clockwise so you execute an inward overhead elbow down onto their back.
- Return to your horsestance
Set 14: Crossing Talons (Cross Left Wrist Grab)
- An attacker at 12 o’clock grabs your left hand with their left hand.
- Step towards 12 o’clock with your right foot into a right neutral bow. Simultaneously roll their arm as you use the pressure of your right forearm against their left elbow joint to push them over.
- Execute a right outward elbow strike to their temple as your left hand pulls them into the strike.
- Reach down and claw their face; as you pull up, loop your arm clockwise so you execute an inward overhead elbow down onto their back.
- Return to your horsestance
Set 15: Thrusting Wedge (Two-Hand Grab)
- Step your right foot to 7:30 in a right forward bow as an attacker at 7:30 grabs your shoulders.
- As you land in that forward bow, execute two thumb strikes poking to your attacker’s eyes .
- Shift into a right neutral bow as you execute a right upward elbow strike.
- Execute a right overhead claw to your attacker’s face.
- Return to your horsestance.
Set 16: Thrusting Wedge (Two-Hand Grab)
- Step your left foot to 4:30 in a left forward bow as an attacker at 4:30 grabs your shoulders.
- As you land in that forward bow, execute two thumb strikes poking to your attacker ‘s eyes.
- Shift into a left neutral bow as you execute a left upward elbow strike. 4. Execute a left overhead claw to your attacker’s face .
- Return to your horsestance.
Set 17: Blinding Sacrifice (Two-Hand Choke)
- An attacker at 1:30 grabs your throat with their hands.
- Step to 1:30 with your left foot into a left neutral bow as you execute two thumb strikes poking into your attacker’s eyes.
- Loop your hands down and execute a double underhand claw to your attacker’s groin. Pull and loop back up. Pull your left foot into a catstance as you execute two inverted back knuckles strikes to each side of your attacker’s ribs.
- (You will pull these back to chamber.)
- Step your left foot back out to 1:30 as you execute two thumb strikes poking into your attacker’s eyes.
- Rake down with your thumbs. Loop back up and execute two inverted vertical punches to your attacker’s temples . Collapse your fists so you strike with your forearms (resembling vertical outward blocks).
- Execute a left knife-edge kick to your attacker ‘s knee.
- Return to your horsestance.
Set 18: Blinding Sacrifice (Two-Hand Choke)
- An attacker at 10:30 grabs your throat with their hands.
- Step to 10:30 with your right foot into a right neutral bow as you execute two thumb strikes poking into your attacker’s eyes.
- Loop your hands down and execute a double underhand claw to your attacker’s groin . Pull and loop back up. Pull your right foot into a catstance as you execute two inverted back knuckles strikes to each side of your attacker’s ribs. (You will pull these back to chamber.)
- Step your right foot back out to 1:30 as you execute two thumb strikes poking into your attacker’s eyes .
- Rake down with your thumbs. Loop back up and execute two inverted vertical punches to your attacker’s temples. Collapse your fists so you strike with your forearms (resembling vertical outward blocks).
- Execute a right knife-edge kick to your attacker’s knee.
- Return to your horsestance.
Set 19: Wings Of Silk (Attempted Bear Hug; Possibly Arms Pinned)
- An attacker from 6 o’clock attempts to pin your arms in a bear hug.
- Bring your left foot up into your attacker’s groin as you push down with your left hand to break their grip.
- Turn and step counter-clockwise (to 9 o’clock) with your right foot in a short step as your left hand grabs your attacker’s left arm.
- Complete the counter-clockwise rotation by continuing the circle with your left foot. As you land in a horse stance facing 12 o’clock, execute a right vertical punch to your attacker’s elbow.
- Execute a right outward elbow.
- Step your left foot towards 12 o’clock into a left neutral bow as you swing your hands in a counter-clockwise circle. Pull them in slightly and execute a left backfist and a right vertical thrust punch .
REVERSE MOTION BETWEEN EACH SIDE—Thrust Sweep Spinning Sweep Back to Horse.
Set 20: Repeated Devastation (Full Nelson)
- With feet together and while in a full Nelson, strike over and back of your with both of your fists (palms facing forward) to opponent’s face (sandwiching his bead) as your right foot steps to 3 o’clock into a narrow horse stance.
- Strike both of your elbows down to opponent’s biceps (palms still facing forward) while dropping lower in your horse stance and immediately thrust both fists toward the ground (palms facing you) as you straighten and stiffen your knees.
- Step forward (in a straight line) with your left foot toward 12 o’clock into a left neutral bow and pivot clockwise into a right forward bow (facing 6 o’clock) as you deliver a right outward thrusting elbow strike to opponent’s right jaw.
- Plant your left foot back to the point of origin and step forward with your right foot toward 12 o’clock into a right neutral bow and pivot counter clockwise into a left forward bow (facing 6 o’clock) as you deliver a left outward thrusting elbow strike to opponent’s left jaw.
- Cover out in usual fashion.
Set 21: Desperate Falcons (Front Two-Hand Grab to Wrists)
- With feet together and opponent grabbing your wrists from the front (opponent’s left hand grabbing your right wrist and right grabbing your left wrist) move your left foot forward and to your left between 11 and 12 o’clock (into a left neutral bow) as both arms circle clockwise so as to loop over both arms of your opponent (forcing opponent’s arms down).
- Immediately follow-up with a left forward back knuckle to opponent’s face simultaneous with a right forward vertical fist to opponent’s solar plexus.
- Without hesitation step forward into a right 45° cat stance toward 12 o’clock and deliver a right vertical or diagonal back knuckle strike to opponent’s right temple as your left hand checks down and presses against opponent’s right arm.
- Step forward (hugging inside of your opponent’s right leg) with your right foot to 12 or 1 o’clock into a right neutral bow and deliver a right horizontal inward elbow strike to opponent’s face (left hand is still pressing and checking opponent’s right arm down).
- Immediately shift into a right reverse bow (in place) while delivering a right downward diagonal hammerfist to opponent’s right kidney (left hand is checking slightly higher).
- Execute a left rear crossover toward 2 o’clock and immediately plant your right leg into a right reverse bow in order to buckle inside of opponent’s left leg.
- Right knee kick to inside of opponent’s right thigh toward 8 o’clock.
- Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 8 o’clock.
American Kenpo Karate Schools who teach the 24 technique Ed Parker System will teach Long Form 3 at the 3rd Brown Level.