American Kenpo Karate Mission

Raking Mace with Extension

RAKING MACE (front two hand lapel grab – pulling in)

  1. With feet together and as your opponent pulls you in, have your right foot step forward and to your left to 11 o’clock (into a right neutral bow). Simultaneously strike with a right uppercut punch to opponent’s solar plexus as your left hand horizontally pins both of opponent’s hands down.
  2. Immediately have your right hand circle counter clockwise hands down (while your left hand still guards) and have the knuckles of your right fist rake (from 1 o’clock to 7 o’clock) down and across the bridge of opponent’s nose. continue the move and strike down (diagonally) on opponent’s forearms causing him to release the grab.
  3. Follow-up with a right outward chop to opponent’s throat.
  4. With no loss of motion, execute a right inward horizontal elbow to the left jaw of your opponent as your left heel palm simultaneously strikes to opponent’s right jaw to cause a sandwiching effect.
  5. After your right inward horizontal elbow to the left jaw of your opponent as your left heel of palm simultaneously strikes to opponent’s right jaw to cause a sandwiching effect, execute a left two-finger eye book (this is a small clockwise circle) immediately followed by a right inward (counter clockwise looping) hooking heel palm claw to chin or face, as you are dropping back to a right cat stance (left is checking at this point).
  6. Execute a right front snap ball kick to groin as your right hand circles and drops down to cock (by your right thigh) and as you plant down from the kick, execute a right rising stiff-arm punch to opponent’s jaw, which continues on up and around (looping clockwise) into a right thrusting hand sword strike to opponent’s left side of neck.
  7. As opponent is moving off to the left and down, execute a left roundhouse kick to his head (you may have to adjust your right gauging leg for the kick).
  8. With left leg still in the air, left front crossover and double coverout to 4:30.