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Check out American Kenpo Karate’s Yellow Belt Technique Collection in the recording below. Featuring the 10 Yellow Belt Techniques needed to advance to a yellow belt in American Kenpo Karate, this online collection allows you to learn the basics of American Kenpo Karate and to see how the technique should be performed at speed. Additionally, below are the names and descriptions of all 10 of the yellow belt techniques in written form.
DELAYED SWORD (Right Hand Lapel Grab Or Right Punch)
- With your feet together step back with your left foot into a right neutral bow stance as you execute a right inward block to the right inner wrist of your opponent. Have your right hand guard near your solar-plexus to act as a check as needed.
- Immediately deliver (from your right neutral bow stance) a right front snap ball kick to the opponent’s groin.
- As you plant your right foot down toward 11 o’clock, deliver a right outward handsword strike to the right side of your opponent’s neck (Have your right striking hand return back immediately to the blocking position at the opponent’s right wrist).
- No cover out is required.
ALTERNATING MACE (Two-Hand Front Push)
- With feet together as opponent pushes , step back with your left foot into a right neutral bow stance as you execute a right inward and downward horizontal forearm block on top of the opponent’s right and left arms. (At this point your left hand is cocked at your left hip.)
- Immediately deliver a left vertical thrust punch to the opponent’s sternum or solar-plexus while torquing into a right forward bow stance. (Your right arm is still across both his arms to act as a check.)
- Drop your left punching hand (palm open and down) on top of both of your opponent’s arms ( to check) and switch your right hand up and inside your left arm and out into a right horizontal back knuckle strike to the right temple of your opponent. While doing this, you are changing your stance back into a right neutral bow (using torque to increase the whipping action of your right hand).
- Immediately snap your right hand back into a cover position.
- No cover out is required.
SWORD OF DESTRUCTION (Left Straight Or Round House Punch)
- With your feet together step back with your left foot into a right neutral bow stance as you execute a right extended outward strike to left inner wrist of the opponent’s left punch (at this point your left hand is covering near your solar-plexus).
- From your right neutral bow stance, immediately deliver a right front snap ball kick to your opponent’s groin.
- As you plant down (employing marriage of gravity) execute a right inward hand sword strike to the left side of your opponent’s neck.
- Immediately snap your right hand back to the inner wrist of the opponent’s left arm to act as a check (keeping your hand open, palm up, finger pointing away from you and your right elbow anchored down to protect your right rib cage).
- No cover out is required.
DEFLECTING HAMMER (Right Front Thrust Kick)
- With your feet together step back with your left foot into a right neutral bow stance as you execute a right deflecting downward block against the outside of opponent’s kicking leg. (This is done on a line from 11 o’clock to 5 o’clock.).
- From your right neutral bow, execute a left inward check to outside of the opponent’s right arm (at or above the elbow).
- Immediately shuffle forward (push drag) as you execute a right inward elbow strike to opponent’s right rib-cage or face, depending upon the circumstances.
- No cover out is required.
CAPTURED TWIGS (Rear Bear Hug Around Waist Arms Pinned)
- With feet together and opponent’s arms around you, step off left toward 9 o’clock with your left foot into a horse stance, as you simultaneously pin your opponent’s hands with your left hand.
- Just as your weight settles into your horse stance execute a right back hammer fist strike to the groin of your opponent.
- Immediately release your pinning hand and as you bring your right foot into a cat stance (90° facing 3 o’clock) swing your right hand around in front of your groin as a cover and a clearing motion to spread your opponent’s arms, and at the same time lift your left hand up in front of your face to act as a position check if needed.
- Immediately execute a right stomp to arch of opponent’s left foot followed immediately by a right upward obscure elbow to the point of his chin. (This is a snapping motion as your arm should drop right back down to act as a cover for your groin.)
- No cover out is required.
THE GRASP OF DEATH (Left Flank Right Arm Headlock)
- With you bent over forward at the waist and opponent standing upright and applying a right arm headlock, simultaneously grab his right wrist with your right hand as you step forward right toward 12 o’clock into a right close kneel stance. Immediately reach up in between his legs (as high as you can get) and grab the flesh with all four fingers to pinch (horse bite) his leg. (Be sure you are checking the outside of his right leg with your left knee.)
- As opponent releases his grip, bring his right arm over your head and down past your right vertical forearm (which acts as a check) while you stand up tall into a right neutral bow stance.
- Immediately step through left into a left neutral bow stance as you use your left arm to push his right elbow forward and down (arm-bar) to cause him to step forward with his left foot, (this also forces him to bend over at the waist) as you place his right arm across your thighs. Move your left arm into a left-hand grab at his elbow (for better control).
- Execute a right downward inverted vertical punch to the base of the opponent’s skull or neck near his right mastoid bone.
- No cover out is required.
CHECKING THE STORM (Front Right Step-Through Overhead Club)
- Standing naturally with feet together, as opponent swings his club in an overhead fashion, at the last second step off quickly into the right with your right foot toward 3 o’clock and drag your left foot on toward your right into a left 45° cat stance facing toward 10:30. At the same time, execute a left upward extended outward block, utilizing your right hand in the double factor fashion, to stop as an open hand check in front of your solar plexus.
- Immediately execute a left right chicken kick, with your left foot striking his groin, and your right foot striking his solar-plexus.
- From your right kick have your right foot plant down and back (toward 4:30) into a left neutral bow stance with your hands in the fighting position (fists closed).
- No cover out is required.
- MACE OF AGGRESSION (Two-Hand Lapel Grab — Pulling In)
- With feet together and while opponent grabs your lapel with both of his hands, pulling you in toward him, execute a right stomp on opponent’s right longitudinal arch simultaneously with a right inward downward raking back-knuckle slice, striking diagonally (from 2 o’clock to 8 o’clock) across the bridge of the opponent’s nose as your left hand pins and checks.
- Continue the motion of your right arm so that it strikes horizontally down onto both forearms of opponent thus forcing the opponent to bend forward.
- Execute a right inward horizontal elbow strike to left jaw of opponent, following through with the action.
- Immediately return with a right outward horizontal elbow strike to right jaw of opponent, shuffling with the action if necessary.
ATTACKING MACE (Front Straight Right Punch)
- With feet together drop back with your right foot into a left neutral bow stance as you execute a left inward strike outside of opponent’s right punch.
- Pivot into a left forward bow stance as you execute a right straight thrust punch to the right rib cage of your opponent keeping your left hand open in a checking oposition at on or above his right elbow.
- Circle your right hand down in and around (counter grab) to become a grab outside the opponent’s right wrist, and as you pull him in toward you, strike him in the right rib-cage or solar-plexus with your right front snap ball kick. From your right kick, plant down and back into a left neutral bow stance, with your hands in the fighting position.
- No cover out is required.
SWORD AND HAMMER ( Right Flank – Left Hand Shoulder Grab)
- With feet together and opponent (standing at 3 o’clock) with his left hand grabbing your right shoulder, step off right to 2 o’clock into a horse stance, and immediately as your right foot plants, swing both your arms to the right, your left hand goes to your right shoulder to become a pinning check to his left hand, and your right hand becomes a right outward hand-sword strike to his adams apple.
- As the opponent reacts to the handsword strike and bends backward, execute a right downward and backward hammerfist strike to his groin.
- No cover out is required.
Try the American Kenpo Karate online Martial Arts Zoom lessons. You will be able to learn martial arts in the privacy of your own home and when everything opens up, you will have the confidence to be able to show off your new moves at the dojo!