Sister Techniques–Formulation Drills!
Weapons Category
Clipping the Storm & Glancing Lance
Sister Techniques are grouped together with their related moves and Master Key Moves. Sister Techniques come in groups of two or three, and are related because they share the same /similar sequence an/or combination of moves, adapted to a variety of predicaments for each technique, and are within the same Category of Attack. The sister techniques are examples that teach you how to formulate within the “What if” scenarios they present. The formulation process can be organized by using the American Kenpo Karate equation tools for negotiating alternative actions.
The video clip below features sister techniques, Clipping the Storm & Glancing Lance in the category of weapons. These techniques are examples of how to recognize width in order to formulate correctly. In this technique, the recognition of width will help us determine whether to apply our line of entry to the inside or outside of the opponent, as well as making the appropriate adjustments to the weapons, checks, and targets.
“Detailed Studies of particular concepts and principles of attack and defense as well as variables associated with each type of attack or defense is the real key. As you further examine the functions of each of the variables, you learn the true meaning of latitude and flexibility, all of which complements the concepts of tailoring” (p. 65 Infinite Insights, Book 5–Ed Parker).
Learn more about American Kenpo Karate by coming in to join adult karate classes! Beginner classes are Tuesdays & Thursdays noon to 1:00 and 7:00-8:00, as well as Saturdays at 12:30.
Top 5 Benefits of Adult Karate Classes
- Strength and Flexibility Training
- Eye-Hand-Body Coordination
- Self Defense
- Mind-Body Connection
- Camaraderie and Fun!