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Long Form 2

Long Form 2 

What is a Kata ? In short, a kata is a choreographed and structured practice routine or protocol designed to teach fundamentals, principals and concepts.

In American Kenpo Karate, there are 11 Katas, which have themes within each, such as defensive, offensive, stances, and stepping patterns.  These Kata themes correspond to particular belt levels, and progress in difficulty and complexity. Today’s video features Long Form 2. It consists of 9 intertwined techniques, making it 18 techniques, plus the closing. Long Form 2 is the fourth kata in our system, the last of the basic forms and demonstrates the progressive nature of the forms.

The form begins by adding two moves or “beats” to the first move of the Short Form 2. In the book, The Kenpo Karate Compendium: The Forms and Sets of American Kenpo, Lee Wedlake asserts that “Two ‘beats’ are generally added to the base motions established in Short Two.  For example, the first section of both Short and Long Two is like the self defense technique Five Swords.  Short Two starts with two moves: block/chop. Long Two starts with four moves: block/chop/poke/spear hand. This pattern continues in Long Form Four” (p. 97). The Kata also utilizes “two-in-one” timing, which is two “major moves at once” within a  (p. 88), while both advancing and retreating.   Long Form 2 and Short Form 3–both Green Belt Katas–travel on the “Big X” Floor Plan– Long Form 2 from Technique 7 through Technique 18.

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